Friday, September 28, 2012

The Ski Bum Institute

posted by Chris Bangs

Mount Moran

My first HPM style trip started in 2002, when I rode my bicycle from Missoula, Montana to the Grand Tetons.  I stayed for a month (for free) at the American Alpine Club Teton Climbers Ranch, (thanks Sue!) and climbed and skied and frolicked my merry way around the Grand Tittie Mountains. Running into old friends, meeting new ones, and taking care of old vendettas.  Namely Mount Moran, and skiing the Skillet Glacier. No other mountain at that time had cast a stronger spell over me than Mount Moran. The first time I saw Mount Moran and the Skillet Glacier from the shores of Jackson Lake during winter, I dropped down to the ground and almost puked. Instantly the mountain's spell overtook me. It was love at first sight. Drop me to my knees style love, monarch butterflies in my stomach, style love. I will never really have lived until I ski this line, all by myself, just me and the mountain, together as one, style love.

That first view of the Skillet Glacier was back when I lived in Jackson Hole in 1997. I was in the process of becoming a full fledged ski mountaineer, and seeing lines in the mountains like the Skillet Glacier always took my breathe away. This time though I was seeing the line in person, and in winter when the run from the summit, all the way down to the lake, is over 6,000 vertical feet of relief.

Five years later, having graduated from The Ski Bum Institute, located in Valdez, Alaska, I was now back in the Tetons, one my first HPM style trip. Looking for love. Good old-fashioned Mountain-Man-LOVE.

This is what love looks like.

authors notes:

The Ski Bum Institute, does not actually exist. Yet if you manage to graduate from The Ski Bum Institute,,,, then you're in your thirties, still living in a total dump, and probably don't have a girlfriend. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Hemp Smoothie

Day 7 Smoothment Week

2 bananas
frozen strawberries
ginger root
3 Tbs hemp powder
2 Tbs acia powder
1 tsp maca
2-3 cups water
5 ice cubes

The Navitas Naturals Smoothment is a free online program that features easy and delicious smoothie recipes with educational content and a large discount on select superfoods.

After a week of smoothies with superfoods; chia, hemp, acia, maca, and mulberries,,,, I feel amazing.!!!! Big thank you to my sponsor Navitas Naturals. Check out their line of the best superfoods from around the world.  

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Lemon Smoothie

Day 6 Smoothment Week

The Mountain Goat

1/4 Lemon
2 carrots
3TBSP chia seeds
1 tsp maca powder
2TBLSP hemp powder
Frozen Strawberries
Frozen Peaches

Mix in a high speed blender. Make this for one meal for one person per day, (20 - 40 oz) it is one of the most fantastic things you can do for your body. Do this everyday and you'll be chasing mountain goats up to the tops of peaks too!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

40oz Breakfast Smoothie

Day 5 Smoothment Week

6 leaves spinach 
1/2 lemon 
1 carrot
1 cup sprouted buckwheat
1 cup frozen stawberries
1 cup frozen peaches
1 tsp maca powder
1TBSP acai powder 
3 TBSP chia seeds
3-5 ice cubes
3-4 cups water

Makes 40oz

Today I added spouted buckwheat to my morning smoothie. Spouted buckwheat is easy to prepare and is a great way to get an easily digestible protein source early in the morning. I use sprouted buckwheat as a training tool when I'm deep into any type of project. The natural properties of buckwheat enhance mental clarity and improve moods by aiding in the release of serotonin in the system.

 Ice climbing aides in the release of serotonin as well. Cheers. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Mandela Smoothie

Day 3 Smoothment Week

Painting Mela Bangs
4 Pieces Kale
2 carrots; one yellow, one orange
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup frozen peaches
3 TBSP Navitas acia powder
1 tsp Navitas maca powder
1 TBSP chia seeds
1 TBSP miso
1000 mg chlorrela
2 cups water
3-4 ice cubes

Blend on high for 1-2 minutes.

Today I added miso, chlorrela, and acia powder to today's 30oz breakfast smoothie.  These giant breakfast smoothies are the surest way I've found to earn sustained energy from your food all day long.